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Exclusionary Practices at Conferences: A Call for Full Access and Authentic Inclusion

This disparity in access perpetuates an exclusionary environment, where minority individuals, including those who are Deaf, DeafBlind, and disabled, are tokenized, left to feel like an afterthought rather than equal participants. As an advocate for inclusivity, I firmly believe that conferences should strive to provide comprehensive support, breaking down barriers to participation for everyone.

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Artistic Ice Cream Social with S5WAVES and Community Support

Last Saturday, S5WAVES – a local Kingston grassroots organization I founded reached a new milestone as we hosted our highly anticipated third Awesome Ice Cream Social. This year\’s event was not only a delightful gathering but also an artistic showcase and a heartwarming display of community support. From the talents of four artists displaying their artwork to the captivating performances of two Kingston Circus Art performers and two Deaf storytellers, the Ice Cream Social became a resounding success that left us captivated and filled with gratitude.

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Embracing Diversity: Celebrating Authenticity and Breaking Barriers

This message is for you.

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts with those of you who might feel a sense of discomfort or frustration when it comes to labels and the way some people express them. I understand that labels can sometimes feel restrictive or divisive, especially when they are used to create barriers between individuals. It\’s disheartening when people use labels to discriminate or marginalize others based on their differences, instead of embracing the richness of diversity.

However, it\’s essential to recognize that the use of labels can also serve a valuable purpose. Labels can help individuals find a sense of belonging and understanding in a complex world.

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How Customized Training and Resources Can Improve Your Team\’s Communication

Hi there, I\’m Leah Riddell and I specialize in providing customized training and resources to help businesses and organizations improve their inclusive communication practices in the workplace. In this blog post, I\’ll share my insights on the importance of inclusive communication, the challenges Deaf employees and those who communicate differently face, and how I can provide training and resources to help your team build character and better communicate with one another.

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Trail Etiquette

Spring is here but it sure felt like summer over the weekend. I want to talk about trail walks, how it is important to be courteous and mindful of others around you. As a Deaf person who enjoys walking on trails with my dog (my family comes sometimes). I understand the importance of being mindful and considerate of others around me. Since I cannot hear bike bells or verbal cues, I’m always extra vigilant and aware of my surroundings.

One thing I do to ensure that my dog is on a leash and I stay on the right side of the trail is to use a keyword. We trained my dog to respond to the word “clear,” which means that we need to move over to the side more and let someone pass. This has been a useful tool in ensuring that we don’t get in anyone’s way, a bike rider or runner in our path from behind or in front of us and can easily communicate our intentions.

Being Deaf on the trail can present some unique challenges…

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Priortize Deaf ASL Performers for the National Anthem

I express my concern and disappointment to the woman who perform the national anthem recently using ASL at a sporting event in the US. She has not been vetted or even have proper certification or training, which is disrespectful to the deaf and signing community.

Culture appropriation is a serious issue that can cause harm and offense to marginalize communities.

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