Inclusive Communication

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Access at the theatre

You never know what’s going to happen until you ask.
Few weeks back I wanted to treat my husband to a comedy for his birthday and saw that the Kingston Grand Theatre was having a show that looked intriguing. One problem, I wanted to be able to enjoy the show too! I emailed the theatre to ask if interpreters can be provided knowing how short notice it was. 

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Sticky Situations in Hospitals

Have you ever seen Squid Game? Do you remember the dalgona cookie challenge? How each player had to patiently and methodically lick or prick their way against the countdown before they were eliminated for good? Can you imagine being trapped in a life-threatening situation forced to play a game that may determine whether they survive?

Deaf and Hard of Hearing patients often end up in situations like these, where they are trapped by necessity and circumstance. They show up to the emergency room or to their doctor’s office and are not provided the communication access they need so they can discuss their needs or decisions, often leading to miscommunication, misdiagnosis and mistreatment. 

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In-hospital Service

Every hospital and medical centre has their own varying degrees of experience working with Deaf patients. What is needed to ensure they receive the best care and to avoid liability issues?

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Amazing Race Canada

Did you watch The Amazing Race Canada Tuesday evening???
Did you see biggest secret I kept since April, the race occurred at my old alumni Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf (SJW) in Belleville, Ontario. The show used my ASL alphabet chart!!! I am so honoured to have my illustrations with my logo displayed on the amazing show. 

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has happened in one weekend that stirred me to write a blog. I have been processing all morning of what has happened in the last few days.

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Parks Accessibility Conference

Hi. I’m Leah Riddell, artist of the card you just scanned from. I’m honoured and thrilled to be chosen to design for the Parks Accessibility Conference to teach you sign language. Their slogan is \”Make Canada\’s National Parks Accessible\”. I completely agree! We CAN make this happen. A first step to inclusive communication when encountering visitors in the parks is understanding and communicating using some signs! Are you ready to learn?

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Healthy Communications

The term \”Better Hearing and Speech Month\” leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth. Every May this event is celebrated and meant to bring awareness about communication disorders and hearing health. I realise that was last month, but I’ve been sitting on this thought and trying to find a way to express it in a way that makes people receptive to hearing me out. I can\’t help but feel that this celebration is negative towards all deaf people or those who communicate differently. It is in my experience that society\’s expectations of its citizens are that we are to speak perfectly, hear fully and live well free of deafness. For the purpose of clarity I’m referring to audiology in this blog.  

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Lip Reading is Hard

Look at this amazing group. Our first mix and mingle event of the We Can Community of Women Entrepreneurs at Seaway Coworking. This happened on Tuesday May 17. It was a nice change of scenery. I had the pleasure to meet new people, and we network about our businesses. It\’s inspiring; learning of their progress, their success and how far they have come. Most of us started with We Can to thrive when the pandemic hit.
To be honest, I was a nervous wreck. It has been two years of us meeting virtually. I would easily hide behind the camera…

Deaf Representation

I am not asking permission at the seat of the table. I am pulling up my own chair, to bring you awareness about the issues important to certain individuals to have a voice.

There has been an increased recognition of diversity, equity and inclusion within organizations or institutions. They have adjusted their policies to have proper representation in their workplace. Women and visible minorities, people with disabilities have been often included in the policies. That has not been the case for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or deafened. 

Metro Girl Signs

Metro in Kingston, I have to praise one of the staff. Last night I lined up to pay for my groceries, the cashier cleaned the surface before I put my groceries down. I proceed to where I pay with my debit. I signed “1 BAG”, it’s universally obvious. She stocked my items in the bag, …

Metro Girl Signs Read More »

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